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NATO – Ukraine cooperation in the military sphere
08 October 2020 16:02

The cooperation in the military sphere is carried out in pursuance of the tasks outlined in Annual National Programme for NATO – Ukraine cooperation within the framework of Working plans of NATO – Ukraine Military Committee and Individual Partnership and Cooperation Programme.

The said documents provide for implementation of a wide spectrum of tasks in the short term.

Main of which are the following:

  • Strengthen defence and operational capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the current security conditions;
  • Achieve military criteria required for NATO membership, including enhancement of interoperability between the armed forces of Ukraine and Allies;
  • Promote reform and professionalization of Ukrainian army, implementation of the best military standards, practices and procedures;
  • Ensure participation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in NATO-led operations and missions, as well as in NATO Response Force;
  • Support NATO military activities on the South-Eastern flank of the Alliance, including participation in elements of NATO defence and deterrence 

Within the framework of military cooperation with NATO, Armed Forces of Ukraine are also involved in a number of Alliance’s projects and initiatives that are aimed at increasing their operational and defence capabilities.

Since 2004, the Armed Forces of Ukraine take part in Operational Capability Concept Evaluation and Feedback. This concept was created to improve the level of interoperability between the units of partner states that are participating in NATO “Partnership for Peace” program and NATO member-states, to enhance their operational capabilities through the use of leading armies’ standards, procedures and practices while training and on the battlefield.

The above allows the units, among other things, to participate in NATO-led operations, training and exercises, as well as in multinational task forces of high readiness (led by NATO, EU, and UN).

Since 2008, the Armed Forces of Ukraine take part in NATO Air Situational Data Exchange Program. The Program was launched in 2001 to cooperate in countering air terrorism.

Participation in the program allows for the exchange of data on air situation in the western and southern regions of Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Turkey, Hungary and Ukraine, and over the Black Sea region.

In 2012, the Armed Forces of Ukraine joined the Connected Forces Initiative.

The main aim of this initiative is to improve interoperability and increase the ability of NATO’s and partners’ militaries to work together when performing tasks in multinational operations.

In 2014 the Armed Forces of Ukraine joined the Partnership Interoperability Initiative. The initiative was started to preserve and further develop operational interoperability of NATO member-states and partner countries after the end of NATO-led operation in Afghanistan.

The initiative aims to support the development, diversification and the increase of the list of partner capabilities, which are certified and ready to participate in NATO-led operations and the NRF. Achieving interoperability with NATO partners as part of this initiative is carried out in three domains: technical, operational and doctrinal interoperability.

Since 2015, NATO-Ukraine military cooperation has substantially increased, especially in such areas as C3 (command, control and communications), cyberdefence, medical support, logistics, standardization, strategic communication.

Allies provide necessary medical treatment and rehabilitation for personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, who need such assistance after participation in Antiterrorist/Joint Forces operation in the east of Ukraine.

Over 2018-2020, the Armed Forces of Ukraine increased participation in C3B (Consultation, Command and Control Board) as well as in NATO projects in the area of Communication and Information Systems, which among other things, allowed Ukraine to achieve a status of full member in Malware Information Sharing Platform, as well as to participate in programming exercises NATO Enterprise Architecture Hackaton. 

The Alliance also provides Ukraine with different Allied documents, including Doctrine Publications, necessary to support reforms in the Armed Forces of Ukraine through achievement of Partnership Goals.

Responding to deterioration of security situation in the Black Sea region over 2018, in April 2019 foreign ministers of the North Atlantic Alliance endorsed a package of measures aimed to enhance situational awareness and support NATO partners in the Black Sea, in particular, Ukraine.

Distinguishing longstanding and substantial contribution of Ukraine to NATO operations and missions, as well as successful progress in the reform of security and defence sector, in particular, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Alliance recognized Ukraine as Enhanced Opportunity Partner in June 2020. This status enables a number of opportunities for both Ukraine and NATO in the areas, such as training, exercises, Alliance operations and missions, as well as information and experience exchange.

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